Monday, August 30, 2010

Mary Magdalene

Who was Mary Magdalene?
Mary Magdalene, according to the Bible was a follower of Jesus Christ, that Jesus healed of seven demons. According to the Gospels, Mary was a witness to the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Is the Biblical portrayal of Mary historically accurate?
It is hard to say if the biblical portrayal of Mary is historically accurate. However, most people assume that Mary was a prostitute, when in the Bible, this is not clearly proven or stated. Also, Pope Gregory I gave a sermon in which he stated that the Mary from Luke 7:37, John 11:2 and 12:3, and Mark 16:9 are all the same person, which has led to the confusion of who Mary Magdalene really was.

Did Mary Magdalene really birth the children of Jesus?
This idea that Mary gave birth to the children of Jesus is also up for debate, because, once again, it is never proven or stated in the Bible. Nor is there any historic records that say Mary did birth children that were fathered by Jesus.

Do people of the Christian faith believe that Mary was the wife of Jesus Christ?
Since it never states in the Bible that Jesus and Mary were married, most people do not believe their alleged marriage to be true. However, in the Gnostic Gospel of Phillip, it says that Jesus often kissed Mary Magdalene, and refers to Mary as the "companion" of Jesus. "There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the one who was called his companion. His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary" verse 36, in red.

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